Monday, March 19, 2007

Amazingly cool socks

Right. One night I couldn't sleep so I spent nearly 2 hours in the middle of the night searching the internet for random knitting patterns. I came across this and I was smitten. Wow, what cool socks!

So the next day I had to go sock wool shopping. I couldn't find anything as nice as the one in the pattern, but I got this exciting wool instead. It's Opal wool from Germany and it is carefully printed so you can just knit stocking stitch the whole way and you end up with a Fair Isle pattern. Mine wont end out quite like that because of the design on the sock but it will be kind of stripy. Apparently I should have enough left over to knit some baby socks, so Preston and I can be matching!

I got all excited and started straight away and have done a few cm, but I think I satisfied my sock craving for now and I'll have to get back to it after I finish Preston's jersey.

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